Erasmus + Program Strategic Partnership Innovation Project KA2

“Development of Interactive and Animated Drawing Teaching Tools”


Project Summary

It seems that computers do all the job when designing using applicable design systems CAD, CAM, CAE, BIM,etc.; however, the end user is the man. One can use the potential of these systems only when one understands “the language of engineers”. Currently there is a huge gap between the potential and perception of graphic information. There is a lot of various information online but most of it is intended for clarification of the rules of the third angle projection method and it lax complex approach to discussion of each issue as well as different learning styles of learners are not taken into account.

Main objective of the project is to prepare interactive and animated drawing teaching tools (computer variant) which would facilitate / help students of vocational schools, colleges and universities to learn (master) drawing teaching materials better. Working with this interactive teaching material will help students of vocational schools and higher schools to memorize information and apply it in practice.

Interactive and animated drawing teaching material would be prepared in line with thematic teaching plans (chapters) and would enable learning to draw both by hand and using a computer (AutoCAD program).

It is planned to prepare the material in English, Lithuanian, Estonian, Latvian, Slovak and Polish (subtitles).

Taking into account, the project partners need to improve technical and didactical competences of drawing (computer graphics) vocational teachers, lecturers, instructors of vocational schools, colleges and universities; it is planned to do the following in the upcoming project “Development of Interactive and Animated Drawing Teaching Tools”:

1. Investigate the methodology of teaching, the subject of drawing, application of symbols, relevant points of the chapters of drawing taught and the applicable standards in the partner countries;

2. Prepare the material of four chapters of “Drawing” “Interactive and Animated Drawing Teaching Tools” (drawing by hand and using autoCAD program) It will created 20 interactive learning tools (one interactive training material time 4-5 min):

2.1 Execution of drawings. Geometric drawing;

2.2 Basics of projection drawing. Images.Sections.Slices;

2.3 Joints of parts. Working drawings of parts;

2.4 Construction drawing.

3. Prepare the website project “Development of Interactive and Animated Drawing Teaching Tools” in all partners’ languages;

4. After preparing the project methodological material and started testing, there will be organized 3-day training in partner countries P2. SLOVENSKA TECHNICKA UNIVERZITA V BRATISLAVE and P8.POLITECHNIKA SLASKA (Silesian University of Technology (Poland)).

5. Perform testing of the interactive remote project “Development of Interactive and Animated Drawing Teaching Tools”.

6. Perform spread/ valorization activities;

7. Develop a system for quality assurance of the project activities;

The methodological materials of project will be prepared by the scientists and practitioners from the European Union countries: Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Poland and Slovakia.

Target groups of the project: Students of vocational schools; Students of higher schools and colleges; Vocational teachers; Lecturers of higher schools and colleges, scientists of that field.

There are participating 8 partners in the project from 5 (Lithuania, Estonia, Slovakia, Latvia, Poland) European Union countries. All project activities are distributed among the partners according to their competencies and skills in order to give the project the best added value:

P1. Public Institution Vilnius Builders Training Centre;


P3. Ida-Virumaa Kutsehariduskeskus;


P5. The Lithuanian Society of engineering graphics and geometry;


P7. Panevezio kolegija;


The material of the project will be placed on and on the other websites of the project partners.